General AI Training2024-06-04T14:49:24+00:00

Learn the power of AI

With our General AI Training

Curious about AI but don’t know where to start?

Then this training is perfect for you and your team! In this hands-on session, we navigate through the fascinating world of artificial intelligence. We won’t just cover the basics, but also explain what technology can mean for your sector. We tackle everything from foundational principles and technological groundwork to practical applications in various sectors.

But we won’t stop at just talking; you’ll also get hands-on experience with AI! Through brainstorming, applying, and optimizing prompts, you’ll gain practical experience that you can use right away.

So, ready to give your AI knowledge a kickstart? By the end of this training, you’ll know exactly how to employ AI to make your daily tasks and major projects more efficient.

FAQ – General training

Check out our FAQs to understand how GoldenAI can empower your organization with AI. Discover everything you need to know here!

What is the General AI Workshop?2024-01-04T14:04:54+00:00

This training is ideal for anyone curious about AI and offers practical insights into the world of artificial intelligence. The session includes both an overview of the basic knowledge of AI as well as hands-on experience in applying and optimizing AI tools. By the end of the training, you will have the knowledge to effectively implement AI in your daily work and larger projects.

Who is the General AI Workshop intended for?2024-01-04T14:14:30+00:00

This training is suitable for everyone. Whether you have already experimented with an AI tool or are completely new to the field; our General AI Workshop ensures that you leave inspired and equipped with the necessary knowledge.

How long is the AI Workshop and what is its format?2024-01-04T15:36:50+00:00

The duration of our workshops varies, depending on the depth and subject matter. On average, the workshops last for 4 hours, but we can also tailor the duration to your needs. The workshops are conducted in person.

How can this workshop benefit my team or organization?2024-01-04T14:24:34+00:00

This workshop enhances AI knowledge within your team or organization, which is crucial for innovation and problem-solving in today’s technological landscape. It provides practical skills for integrating AI into marketing strategies and business processes, leading to improved efficiency and competitiveness.

How much does this course cost me?2024-01-05T10:40:59+00:00

Our trainings are customized, so the costs depend on your specific requirements. You are always welcome to request a quote.

Can the course be held at my own location?2024-01-05T10:40:26+00:00

Absolutely! It is possible to conduct the course at your own location or business premises.

Can the course be tailored to meet specific business needs?2024-01-05T10:39:46+00:00

Absolutely! All our workshops are customized to meet specific business needs.

Want to know more?

Contact Rick to discover more about what we can offer you.

Rick van Ravenzwaaij

Rick van Ravenzwaaij
Business Unit Manager

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