Privacy Statement GoldenAI


The responsible party for this website is GoldenAI B.V. (Chamber of Commerce number 68074794), Harmenjansweg 4, 2031 WK, Haarlem. GoldenAI can be reached at


Through this website, GoldenAI aims to share job vacancies and offer candidates the opportunity to register, enabling them to be approached by GoldenAI and apply for job vacancies.

Requested Information

We process the personal data that is essential for our services; some of this data is mandatory in order to use our services. Additional data might be desirable to tailor our services to your needs and qualities or to meet specific requests or obligations from clients. You are responsible for the accuracy and relevance of the information you provide. Specifically, this includes – among others – the following personal data:

Upon registration and/or application, we register the following data in a personal account: first and last name, email address, mobile phone number, date of birth, gender, specialties, years of work experience, industry experience, your CV, desired employment relationship, preferred working region, desired weekly working hours, data about availability and leave, wishes regarding your future position/assignment, and other data relevant for evaluating candidate suitability (such as references). When registering/applying, you can opt to provide data via your LinkedIn profile. By doing so, you agree that we collect the following LinkedIn data: your name, photo, headline, and current roles. Additionally, by registering or applying, you agree to subscribe to our monthly newsletter with current job vacancies and labor market information. If you do not wish to receive the newsletter, you can contact

When you are/were employed through GoldenAI, we process the following data:

Nationality, social security number (BSN), ID proof, (work permit)
Other data related to personnel, salary, and absenteeism registration
We may also process data for pre-employment screening on behalf of our clients.
Upon registration, the IP address and registration time are also recorded. The obtained data is not published online. GoldenAI uses the aforementioned data to understand the type of users, process applications, contact the concerned individual, and share with the organization associated with the vacancy. The email address is specifically used to send the account password. GoldenAI does not provide this data to third parties except when legally obligated.

Rights of Candidates

By registering, candidates unequivocally consent to the registration of their personal data by GoldenAI. Everyone can withdraw their consent at any time and request modification or deletion of their data. Upon request, GoldenAI will remove data necessary for registration. To make a deletion or correction request, participants must provide registration details. GoldenAI will contact via the email provided during registration. The address for removal and correction requests is:

Privacy Inquiries

Inquiries about GoldenAI’s privacy policy can be emailed to

Data Processing

We collect and process your personal data for our service execution. Specifically, your personal data is processed to:

Make offers and/or provide information about our services and other activities, tailoring them to your wishes and qualities, done by our employees and partially automated (e.g., for job alerts).
Approach you for newsletters, only if you’ve subscribed.
Evaluate your suitability and availability for interim assignments, which might include test results, reference checks, and social media checks.
Document an assignment with the client and maintain and comply with the agreement.
Process data for pre-employment screening for our clients.
Comply with laws and regulations if we establish an employee or staffing relationship with you.
GoldenAI uses a secure system for candidate registration. The data obtained is stored in a securely protected database connected to the internet, safeguarded against unauthorized use. We collaborate with a renowned party ensuring data security.

Retention Period

In accordance with GDPR, personal data is stored for a year in a format that allows the identification of the subject for processing purposes. Afterward, we will either seek extension consent or delete the data. To request data deletion, contact

Questions or Comments?

If you have questions, comments, or complaints about GoldenAI’s protection of your personal data, please contact Paulien Brands at The most recent privacy statement is always available on GoldenAI’s website.